New Book Project Is On!
Last January was when I first decided, with lots of input from my agent, on the theme of my new book project. It is about the many creative ways that…
Last January was when I first decided, with lots of input from my agent, on the theme of my new book project. It is about the many creative ways that…
Among the many myths I busted in Singled Out were the ones that single people are isolated and self-centered. Research on those myths has continued to proliferate, and the results…
First, the exciting news — my Single at Heart book is now available for preorder! WHAT WE KNOW The most comprehensive discussion of what we know about the single at…
Solo dwellers, we have our book! Eric Klinenberg’s book, Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone, will be published tomorrow. My advanced copy is already dog-eared….
When Singled Out was first published, I had a fantasy. I guess you could call it small-time, but had it ever happened, I would have been thrilled. I always wanted…
[Bella’s intro: In my last post, I gave a name to the series that has actually been ongoing for some time: Perspectives on Single Life. The first entry posted specifically…
Over at the Huffington Post, a post titled Holiday Advice for the Single Woman: 8 Reasons to Enjoy It, is getting teased this way: “Instead of feeling down on yourself…
On Monday October 17 at 2 pm, I’m giving a talk on singles at Loyola University in Chicago. It is open to the public. Here are the details.
A reader who is single and not looking to become unsingle asked me a simple question that, to me, does not seem to have a simple answer: Where can he…