The Best of Single Life: A New Collection
I’ve just put together a collection of 65 of my writings on single life in a book called The Best of Single Life. I think these are some of my…
I’ve just put together a collection of 65 of my writings on single life in a book called The Best of Single Life. I think these are some of my…
[Bella’s intro: In Singled Out, I wrote a section called “The Command Team Wears Wedding Bands,” in which I described instances of singlism (stereotyping, stigmatizing, and discrimination against singles) in…
Last January was when I first decided, with lots of input from my agent, on the theme of my new book project. It is about the many creative ways that…
Among the many myths I busted in Singled Out were the ones that single people are isolated and self-centered. Research on those myths has continued to proliferate, and the results…
Mary Edwards says: The women in my family are independent, successful and strong. Every single one of us has a very sarcastic humor and easy going look on life. My…
[Bella’s intro: If you have not yet read Part 1 from guest blogger and Navy veteran Roger Morris, you can find it here. Now, on to Part 2 and the…
[Bella’s intro: Recently, a retired Navy veteran, Roger Morris, wrote to say that while he believed there was some singlism in the Navy, he also thought there were advantages to…
[Bella’s intro: In my last post, I gave a name to the series that has actually been ongoing for some time: Perspectives on Single Life. The first entry posted specifically…
On Monday October 17 at 2 pm, I’m giving a talk on singles at Loyola University in Chicago. It is open to the public. Here are the details.