First, the exciting news — my Single at Heart book is now available for preorder!
The most comprehensive discussion of what we know about the single at heart is in my forthcoming book,
Single at Heart: The Power, Freedom, and Heart-Filling Joy of Single Life
Here’s what I wrote about it before the book was available:
People who are “single at heart” live their best lives by living single. For them, single life is their most authentic, meaningful, and fulfilling life. They embrace single life for positive reasons, not because they have “issues.”
I have been writing about people who are single at heart since 2010. The concept got a big boost when it was mentioned prominently in the New York Times in 2013. People who are single at heart have now been mentioned in many places in the media and in scholarly writings.
Interested in whether you might be single at heart? Take this brief survey.
Some key characteristics of people who are single-at-heart
People who are single at heart: Here’s what we know about them
Who does best at being single?
14 signs you are a confirmed bachelor (or bachelorette)
Maybe similar to single-at-heart
The Single at Heart and our cousins (quirkyalone, solitaries, self-partnered, consciously uncoupled)
“Single at heart”: Is it Quirkyalone’s naughty cousin?
Oblivious, complicit, and healthy loners
Some great things about being single-at-heart
Why some people just love being single
People who are single at heart have been thriving during the pandemic
People who choose to be single value their friends more, have more satisfying social lives
14 ways to tell that someone is happily single
Writing a script for “single at heart”
Some questions and issues
Commitment phobic, or is single life a better life for you?
Some people get all weird when you say you chose to be single. What’s up with that?
“No one really wants to be single”: 9 ways we are misled into believing that
The missing pieces: What we still need to know about people who are single at heart
Stop saying that being single is better than being in a bad relationship
Personal stories and examples of people who are single at heart
Why I’m single, then and now: Guest post by Joan DelFattore
Coming out as single-at-heart: Guest post by Psyngle
I’m better off single. You might be, too.
Single at heart in New Zealand – she is, her husband isn’t
Are these successful entrepreneurs single at heart?
This reader dreams of being single
Is she or isn’t she? Who is single at heart and why does it matter?
John Keats was single at heart and expressed it beautifully
Is Whoopi Goldberg “single-at-heart”?
Here are results from the first 1200 participants in the Single at Heart survey:
Preliminary results of the single at heart survey
What does it mean to be single at heart?
Alone: The badass psychology of people who like being alone
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Positive Psychology: Established and Emerging Issues
Dana S. Dunn (Ed.)

Order here.