TV and video
University of Leeds (UK) Singles Studies Seminar Series
Lessons from three decades of studying singlehood
Lecture by Bella DePaulo
Moderated by Tendai MangenaAmerican Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA)
Bella DePaulo, panelist, “Landing the impossible book deal”
American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA)
Sherry Amatenstein, moderatorCorporate Lecture at Merck
“Creating a singles-friendly work environment,” lecture by Bella DePaulo
Women’s Network at MerckJean Chatzky, Your Money Map
Solo and secure: How single people can thrive as they age
Jean Chatzky, interviewing Bella DePauloInternational Singles Studies Conference
Bella DePaulo’s talk, “Lessons from 3 decades of studying singlehood”
International Singles Studies Conference, BostonOpen to Debate, NPR
Married or single?
Bella DePaulo and Jonathan Rothwell
John Donvan, moderatorThe Press Shop (PR)
Leah Paulos’s Press Shop led the early media campaign for Single at Heart.
Some of the media placements she and Liv Walton secured are here.The Social (live TV with studio audience)
Bella DePaulo on “Single at Heart”
Andrea Bain and Jess Allen, hostsReal Talk with Ultraviolet
The power and potential of single women
Elisa Batista, host