TV and video

  • University of Leeds (UK) Singles Studies Seminar Series

    Lessons from three decades of studying singlehood
    Lecture by Bella DePaulo
    Moderated by Tendai Mangena

  • American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA)

    Bella DePaulo, panelist, “Landing the impossible book deal”
    American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA)
    Sherry Amatenstein, moderator

  • Corporate Lecture at Merck

    “Creating a singles-friendly work environment,” lecture by Bella DePaulo
    Women’s Network at Merck

  • Jean Chatzky, Your Money Map

    Solo and secure: How single people can thrive as they age
    Jean Chatzky, interviewing Bella DePaulo

  • International Singles Studies Conference

    Bella DePaulo’s talk, “Lessons from 3 decades of studying singlehood”
    International Singles Studies Conference, Boston

  • Open to Debate, NPR

    Married or single?
    Bella DePaulo and Jonathan Rothwell
    John Donvan, moderator

  • The Press Shop (PR)

    Leah Paulos’s Press Shop led the early media campaign for Single at Heart.
    Some of the media placements she and Liv Walton secured are here.

  • The Social (live TV with studio audience)

    Bella DePaulo on “Single at Heart”
    Andrea Bain and Jess Allen, hosts

  • Real Talk with Ultraviolet