Are you a scholar studying single people or single life? I would like to start a list and publish it on this blog here on my personal website, and maybe one of my other blogs (Psych Today or Psych Central).
If you want to have your name (or anyone else’s) included, please tell me
(1) your name, as you want it to appear;
(2) your institutional affiliation, if any, or your city & country;
(3) a brief description of your research, teaching, writing, or other scholarship.
(4) Links to your website, writings, or any other relevant sites, if any.
(5) Social media, if any.
(6) Anything else you want me to mention.
For example, mine might look like this:
(1) Bella Depaulo, Ph.D.
(2) University of California, Santa Barbara, USA (Academic Affiliate, Psychological & Brain Sciences)
(3) Interested in affirming, myth-busting, research-based perspectives on single life. Author of books such as “Singled Out”; blogger at Psychology Today, Psych Central, and Unmarried Equality; social psychologist who has published research on single people and singlism; has written about single people for the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Atlantic, NBC, CNN, and many others.
(4) Links:
TEDx talk: “What no one ever told you about people who are single,”
(5) Social media: @bellaDepaulo
(6) Bella Depaulo has been described by Atlantic magazine as “America’s foremost thinker and writer on the single experience.” She is currently working on a new book about people who are single at heart.
My idea of a “scholar” is very broad. It means that you are engaging thoughtfully with ideas about single life and making your ideas accessible to other people. You don’t have to have a university affiliation or a PhD.
I would like to include anyone, anywhere, studying or teaching or writing or speaking about almost any aspect of single people or single life. EXCEPTIONS:
- Nothing that bashes single people or perpetuates stereotypes.
- Nothing about dating or anything else focused on escaping single life rather than living it.
Finally, if anyone wants to suggest an image I can use at the top of the blog post (that doesn’t violate any copyrights), please send it to me.
Respond by E-MAIL to and type “Scholars of single life” into the subject line.