“Singlism” is the stereotyping, stigmatizing, marginalizing and discrimination against people who are single. “Matrimania” is the over-the-top hyping of marriage, weddings, and couplings. I coined those terms. Probably hundreds of the blog posts and other writings of mine touch on those topics in some way. So here, I just want to point you to a few articles to orient you to these topics and give you a few specific examples.
In addition to these articles, you can also look at some books. Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After has a lot to say about singlism and matrimania. Another book includes many of my writings as well as contributions from other writers: Singlism: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Stop It.
This collection of articles may also be of interest: People deny singlism exists and get mad at you for pointing it out. Why?
Singlism and Matrimania
Singlism, a word I coined, is now in the dictionary
Explains what singlism is and what it isn’t. Earliest uses are included. Why it is important. Mentions related constructs.
Singlism, matrimania, marital status discrimination, and marital privilege
Defining singlism, matrimania, marital status discrimination, and marital privilege
Singlism and matrimania in everyday life
This is one of the first blog posts I wrote about singlism and matrimania.
Structural singlism: The unfair treatment experienced by every person who is single
The big, systematic, structural, institutional ways in which single people are unfairly disadvantaged and coupled people are advantaged. That’s the kind of singlism that is built right into laws, policies, practices, and customs.
Singlism: What it is and is not, and why it should be in the dictionary
A good introduction to singlism.
Singlism: How serious is it, really?
When people first hear about singlism, they often treat it dismissively. This article explains why they shouldn’t. The next one (below) is relevant, too.
A life-threatening bias against single people
Singlism: Should we just shrug it off?
What singlism? A study of obliviousness to discrimination against singles
One of the important ways that singlism differs from other isms such as racism and sexism is that singlism is not part of our awareness. People usually don’t realize when they are practicing singlism, so they do so unselfconsciously and unapologetically.
In these collections of links, I include mostly only my own writings, but here I wanted to add this great article from the Ted Ideas Blog.
Married men paid more than single men, get more interviews
Is there a bias against single people?
Tempted to point out an act of prejudice or discrimination? Here are some risks
Stopping singlism: What will work?
Singles experience more prejudice and some think that’s okay
How single people get patronized and excluded
Do sexual assault victims get more sympathy if they have a romantic partner?
The microaggressions of single life
In love with romantic love? That comes with risks
The lifetime costs to single people of other people’s weddings
Manti Te’o and the revenge of the romantic fantasy
Further Reading
To read more about singlism and matrimania, check out these collections about single people in different domains and different places. Not all of the articles are about singlism or matrimania, but some are.
Religions and places of worship
Advertising, marketing, and business
Psychotherapy and mental health
The military and foreign service
Popular culture (TV, movies, books, and magazines)
Celebrities, world figures, and people in politics and the media
ALSO SEE: People deny singlism exists and get mad at you for pointing it out. Why?