The Psychology of Lying and Detecting Lies has just been published. The book is a collection of 29 of my brief writings on deception that have appeared in blog posts and books over the past decade. It is available in paperback or as an e-book.
Drawing from research – much of it my own – I show how we can understand big-time liars as well as the more ordinary liars in our everyday lives. Want to know what science has to say about detecting deception? There are 7 short chapters on that. Another 9 chapters explore the dynamics of deceit in our interactions with our romantic partners, friends, and family.
Regardless of what you think you already know about deception, you will, I hope, learn something new and surprising from this book.
Here’s what you will find in The Psychology of Lying and Detecting Lies:
I. First, Some Truths about Lies
- 6 truths about lies
- Why do people lie to you?
II. Profiles of Ordinary Liars
- Who lies?
- Men or women: Who lies more?
III. Big-Time Liars
- How ordinary people become extraordinary liars
- Big-time liars: Top 7 lies they tell themselves
- How President Trump’s lies are different from other people’s
- For writing about President Trump’s lies, I got called an “ugly witch” and more
- Deception: It’s what Dexter does best (well, second best)
- Getting suckered by a killer
IV. Figuring Out When You Are Getting Duped
- Looks can kill – your better judgment
- Why are we so bad at detecting lies?
- How body language lets us down
- Unconscious, gut-level lie detection?
- Can’t keep your story straight: Maybe not such a great cue to deception after all
- If you watch ‘Lie to Me,’ will you become more successful at detecting lies?
- Suppose you could know exactly what other people were thinking and feeling: Would you want to?
V. Lying and Detecting Lies in Relationships (and Not Just Romantic Ones)
- Do relationships need lies to survive?
- Infidelity: Who are the real cheaters?
- Spotting a cheater: How long do you have to know a person before you can do it accurately?
- Manti Te’o and the revenge of the romantic fantasy
- When you are the last to know you’ve been duped
- Friends and lovers: Is there a ‘knew it all along’ effect?
- What friends know that others don’t
- The power and peril of hurt feelings
VI. Lying and Detecting Lies in Special Contexts
- Do audio-only press briefings make it easier to mislead?
- Airport screening post-9/11 – what happens before you even get to any of the machines
- Can a computer tell when you are lying?
- Accused of doing something awful? Here’s how to convince others of your innocence