Single people are routinely stereotyped, stigmatized, and ignored, as I highlighted in the subtitle of my book, Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After. They are also shamed. Here are some examples of that. Happily, as the number of single people grows and as more people spend more years of their lives not married, single people are sometimes celebrated, too. This collection also includes examples of ways in which single people are celebrated.
How single people are celebrated and shamed
In 2015, single people were both celebrated and shamed
Celebrating single people
More people than ever before are single – and that’s a good thing
23 quips for marriage skeptics and lovers of single life
National Singles Week: 19 Reasons Why We Need It
I heart me – really? (about Singles Day celebrations)
Beyond marriage and children: Milestones worth celebrating
Stereotyping single people
Every stereotype of single people, debunked by science
What single life is really like, according to research, not stereotypes
People get all weird when you tell them you want to be single: Why?
Is there a bias against single people?
Why single people can’t catch a break (The single people judged most harshly are not who you think)
Stereotypes of singles? Robust. Actual differences between singles and couples? Not so much.
Single men and single women are disparaged in different ways. Some sexism is also singlism. Guest post by Joan DelFattore and Craig Wynne
Singles experience more prejudice, and some think that’s okay
Is this the myth about singles that single people are most likely to believe?
The special skills of people who are always getting stereotyped
How a group of married therapists confronted their prejudices against single women
Shaming single people
The microaggressions of single life
No, I’m not married. Why do you ask? (with Joan DelFattore)
Can married people be happy? (Mocks the parallel question actually asked at the Aspen Ideas Festival, “Can single people be happy?”)
Why is there shame around being a ‘relationship virgin’? I’d be proud to be one.
When your personal, private choices enrage others
The problem of the self-loathing single person
How not to think about single people
Who’s afraid of single people? (blaming singles for the break-down of society)
How to scare people into getting married
Is this David Letterman’s most shameful Top 10 list?
Married man’s burden: Charles Murray’s prescription for a better America (he thinks married people should be smug)
Gay marriage ruling is matrimaniacal, shames single people
Have you been shamed for being single?
Revisiting the most infamous scare story about single women
The stunning appeal of a story about a man who died alone
Singlism: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Stop It