There are so many ways to critique marriage. Should it even exist? Should it be reformed? Should the government get out of the marriage business? Here are a few of my writings on the topic. Many of them draw from the critiques of other scholars.
The marriage narrative: Will we look back in shame?
Should marriage be a ticket to privilege? Several dozen skeptics weigh in
I’m not going to marry myself. But I understand the appeal.
Redesigning marriage: Experts miss the best idea
Marriage on the brink: Historians will spend decades dissecting our era
Should marriage be abolished, minimized, or left alone?
If marriage keeps changing, does that mean it has no real essence or value?
On asking how to be married, and not whether to be
No to marriage: Not a good deal, or not even on the table?
The best of times or the worst of times for marriage?
TNR asks: Why assume marriage is better than single life?
Two scholars ask: What if marriage is bad for us?
Why do we glorify marriage when record numbers are single?
When marriage is glorified, it is not just single people who are hurt
Marriage once mattered in big, important ways – but it doesn’t anymore
Marriage vs. Single Life: How Science and the Media Got It So Wrong