UE image

Since April of 2015, I have been writing a monthly column for Unmarried Equality (UE), an advocacy group that has been “standing up for fairness and equal treatment of all people regardless of marital status since 1998.”

I’ll post the links to those columns here, with the most recent ones on top. At the UE site, the column is called “Bella’s Blog.”

Women Who Have Never Been Married Are Some of the Strongest Supporters of Democrats

How to Unleash a Tsunami of Support for Single People

Unmarried Equality gets acknowledged on a popular dating advice site

Slaying the Marriage Dragon on NPR

The Systematic Disadvantaging of Single People and How It is Denied and Dismissed

Beyond tolerance of single people: I want much more

Why are single women so often ignored by political candidates?

How Friends Can Be Protected and Benefitted in the Law

Understanding What Single People Appreciate about Single Life: Another Road to Progress

What Is the One Change That Would Be Most Beneficial to Single People?

CNBC Asks Why It Is So Expensive to Be Single in the U.S.

The Census Bureau Commemorates Singles Week Because of Thomas F. Coleman

Criminalizing living with friends

Deficit Narratives of Single Life Are Perpetuated When Systems of Inequality Are Ignored

A Singles Manifesto and a Singles Pride Movement – from a Half Century Ago

Longtime UE Member Makes Compelling Argument for Moving Past Marriage

Families of One: Should There Be Such a Thing?

Feeling abandoned by the people in power

The Singles Tax

The Political Power of Single Women

For the First Time in My Lifetime, Signs of Real Progress for Single People

Businesses and Thought Leaders Who Do Right by Single People

Firms that give huge bonuses to employees who marry

Structural Singlism: The Unfair Treatment Experienced by Every Person Who Is Single

Communities of single people as agents of social change

Why Have Americans Become More Hostile Toward Single Mothers?

Want to Share a Rental with Roommates? In Some Places, That’s Illegal

Why don’t talented single women get promoted?

When more people know members of a group, that group may have more clout

Four in 10 in the US do not believe singles are treated unfairly

How We Are Socialized to Think We Want a Romantic Partner, Even If We Don’t

The Number of Unmarried Americans Continues to Grow, Latest Census Report Shows

What motivates a person to be an ally?

Even when their credentials are identical, employers invite more married men than single men to job interviews, and pay them more

Is housing an issue for older adults with no children? What about hunger?

Everyday prejudices and unfair treatment: The pernicious implications for single people

Finally, legislation designed to help single adults with no children

Economic security for all Americans: How can we get there?

Why Do Unmarried Americans Have Fewer Legal Protections than Other Devalued Groups?

Championing life outside of conventional coupling

Staying Married for the Health Insurance

Identifying with Other Single People: A Step in the Path Toward Justice?

Singles in Need Who Are Not Seniors, Don’t Have Kids: One of the Most Underserved Demographics in the U.S.?

Neera Tanden’s Policy Positions: Implications for Unmarried Americans

Valuing Friends: An Indirect Route to Singles Rights?

Vote, Unmarried Americans! And How We All Need to Watch Our Language

How South Korean businesses are accommodating, not shaming, singles who live alone

Do Unmarried Americans Have the Same Opportunities to Opt-Out during the Pandemic?

Singles More Likely to Go Hungry During COVID-19, and Not Just Because They Have Less Money

Black Americans Hit Especially Hard by Discrimination Against the Unmarried

Discrimination against Unmarried People: Is It Legitimated by the Deficit Narrative of

       Single Life?

Care Provider Was Given Riskier Duties Because She Was Unmarried with No Children

Unmarried Voters Are Getting Ignored by Presidential Candidates, the Media, and the Polls

The New Paid Family Leave Laws Seriously Shortchange Single Parents

Medicaid Expansion Helped More Married Than Unmarried Adults

Have Liberals Already Conceded that Conservatives Were Right about Marriage?

Quick – How Many Kids, by How Many Wives, Does Trump Have? The Matter of Family Privilege

Women’s Groups Are Marginalizing and Stereotyping Single Women: New Study

Need a Transplant? You Better Be Married

Attaining Unmarried Equality: Does #MeToo Offer Any Lessons?

Our Goals and Values Are More Inclusive But the Marriage Fundamentalists Have More Power

Powerful New Report Makes the Case Against Marriage Fundamentalism and for Unmarried Equality

Working Families: The Language Is a Problem and So Are the Policies

Contributing to the Rise of Single People: A Global Increase in Rates of Divorce

What Kind of a Year was 2018 for Unmarried Americans?

How Obamacare Improved the Lives of Single People

Congressional Representatives Least Likely to Support Trump’s Agenda Have Highest Proportion of Never-Married Constituents in Their Districts

From Marriage as One-Stop Shopping to Creating Your Own Life, Piece by Piece

Martin Duberman explains why marriage equality was too small a dream

When You Hear “Success Sequence,” Think “Marriage Propaganda”

Unmarried Americans, is it wrong to complain about the small stuff? (Microaggressions in single life)

How unmarried people are ignored even by those who should be paying attention

Please Don’t Make Us Marry to Get Legal Protections, Say Different-Sex Couples in the UK

Fairness for Single People: New Initiative for Calling Out Unfair and Fair Practices

Less Marriage, More Equality?

Great Labor Market? Not for Single People

6 Married Therapists Spent 18 Months Confronting Their Own Biases Against Single Women

Israeli Scholar Calls for the Politicization of Singlehood

How Kindness and Customs Contribute to the Wealth Advantage of People Who Marry: The Example of Weddings

The Injustices of Unmarried Life Have Been Named, and the Terms Are Sticking

The “Premier Family Form”: Ideology, Shaming, and the Misleading Use of Science

New Survey Shows Openness Toward Diverse Family Forms. Will Nondiscriminatory Policies Follow?

Why Unmarried Women, More Often Than Married Women, Vote for Democrats: New Research Suggests a New Answer

Social Security Massively Favors Married and Previously Married People

The Myth that Married People Are Superior: Challenge It at Your Peril

Taxing Singles More Than Couples: It Is Hard to Find a Country with a Bigger Disparity than the U.S.

Comprehensive Unmarried Equality Must Include Parental Rights for Friends

A Victory for Unmarried Cohabiting Couples in a Time of Horrifyingly Discriminatory Proposals

Will Same-Sex Marriage Undermine One of the Best Things the LGBT Community Gave to the World?

Banning Adults without Children from Playgrounds: Disturbing Implications about the Place of Single People in America 

How to Make Things Better for Unmarried Americans – with No Help Forthcoming from the Federal Government

What Unmarried Americans Want

How Unmarried Americans Fare as Home Buyers: Single Women, Single Men, and Unmarried Couples

How the Important People in the Lives of Unmarried Americans Are Shortchanged

We the Unmarried: Universities Just Aren’t into Us, and That Needs to Change

The Subversive Implication of Same-Sex Marriage that No One Predicted

Journalists and Social Scientists Glorify Married People. Will We All Look Back in Shame?

Why Is Marriage Still So Glorified When So Many People Are Not Married?

Beyond the Nuclear Family: New Policies and Practices Are Needed for the Way We Live Now

How the Washington Post (Almost) Published a Week of Respectful Articles about Unmarried Life

Unmarried Status Is a Diversity Issue

Unmarried Americans as Home Buyers and Home Creators

The Right to Be Single

Nuclear family privilege: Naming it and slaying it

Is Marriage a Greedy Institution?

Housing Discrimination Against People Who Are Not Married: What We Just Don’t Get

Now It’s Really Time for Unmarried Equality

3 Roads to Social Justice — For Lasting Change, We Must Follow Them All

The Global Struggle for Unmarried Equality: The Case of Finland

The Marriage Opportunists Are Coming – We Need to Be Prepared (In this first column, there were technical challenges at the UE site, so you can find this column with better formatting and all the links here.)
