Matrimania – the over-the-top hyping of marriage, weddings, and couples – is pervasive every day of the year, but it really gets ramped up over the holidays. So does singlism – the stereotyping, stigmatizing, and discrimination against people who are single. Pitying single people practically becomes a national sport.
Here is my collection of writings on being single for the holidays. Don’t expect any singles-pity. But you may find the tables turned on those kinds of emotional practices. Enjoy!
Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and Other End-of-Year Holidays
Thankful to be alone: If I had surrendered to society’s expectations, I’d have a life I never wanted.
Holiday party game: Spot the fake couples
“All I want for Christmas is…solitude!” Guest post by Cathy Goodwin
Single for the holidays and doing fine
Single workers aren’t there to pick up the slack for their married bosses and colleagues
Holiday pity parties for single people
Of holiday bullies and double standards
Turning the tables on those holiday pity parties for single people
Resisting expectations during holidays and every day
Hey, singles: Do coworkers and bosses expect you to cover for everyone else over the holidays?
Should you stay home for the holidays?
Holiday spirit, 21st century style: Kay Trimberger and I share our vision
Feeling exposed as not half a couple?
Are you secretly wishing for a Thanksgiving for one?
Who is the boss of Thanksgiving?
Valentine’s Day
Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After (about Valentine’s Day, p. 104-106)
Pity the person who pities single people on Valentine’s Day
5 sweet somethings for singles: Enlightenment is so delicious!
Valentine’s Day hype: Name your emotional reaction
Step away from that spouse! Another take on the value of friends (about Valentine’s Day)
The worst — and best — of Valentine’s Day
Chinese Valentine’s Day is for singles – but not in a good way
5 signs that this Valentine’s Day will be different from all the rest (from 2012)
For Valentine’s Day, I give you my (single at) heart
Other Holidays
Is Veterans Day the fairest holiday of them all?
If you have an RV, is every day a holiday?
Singles Week and Singles Day – I’ve written about these so often, I’ll have to gather all the relevant posts some other time
What single people celebrate in their lives
You may also want to check out: What’s great about solitude: Here’s what we know and The new science of living alone: Here’s a lot of what we know.