Now that solo living is becoming increasingly popular around the world, we know much more about it than we did before. Below is what I have written on the topic so far. You may also want to take a look at the chapter on living alone in How We Live Now: Redefining Home and Family in the 21st Century.
Living Alone: The Basics
The increasing number of people living alone, 1960-2020
More people around the world are living alone
The characteristics of people who live alone, around the world
The living arrangement that is the new normal: Do you know what it is?
Myth buster: How Going Solo takes lonely out of alone
This book will change our lives
Tasty myth-busting from the new “Going Solo” book
What We Get Out of Living Alone
Is living alone the unlikely answer to loneliness?
The secret strengths of people who live alone and like it
Best things about living alone — for people who mean it
How living alone will transform men
Is it healthier to live with someone?
Is a solitary life a shorter life? Results of a big, new review
The least appreciated perk of living alone
Not monitored, not judged – one of the true joys of living solo?
The rarely recognized route into the Black middle class: Staying single and living alone
(Also see this collection of articles on solitude)
Implications for Society of the Rise of Solo Living
What needs to change now that so many people live alone
Living alone is a sign of success – for the individual and for society
Are Americans becoming more and more isolated?
Who Is Good at Living Alone?
5 reasons why so many women love living alone
Most can’t stand to be alone with their thoughts – can you?
When isolated people are not lonely and connected people are
Living Alone in Later Life
If you are single, will you grow old alone? Results from 6 nations
The ultimate threat to single people: You’ll die alone
Living Alone: Backlash and Mockery
Single People and People Living Alone Aren’t to Blame for the Loneliness Epidemic
Stop the good presses! The backlash against living alone has begun
Is a solitary life a shorter life? Results of a big new review
If you live alone, have you made a virtue of selfishness?
Living Alone: Some Other Topics and Themes
Time alone saps the willpower of people who are neurotic
Is your ideal living situation different at different points in your life?
Who is the true avatar of the lonely crowd – the single person or the couple?
Did you miss the debate shout-out to living alone?
Celebrations of Finland’s success leave one big group behind
The Dylan Ratigan Show briefly puts matrimania on pause to acknowledge solo living
The secret to balancing time alone and time together?
(Also check out this collection of articles on solitude)
How We Live Now: Redefining Home and Family in the 21st Century
Alone: The badass psychology of people who like being alone