Recently, a reader asked: “Is there, or will there, ever be anything for single men? Why is there so much about single women but hardly anything for single men?”

I agree. In the popular media, in blogs, and even in academic research, discussions of single life are overwhelmingly written about or by single women. In my blog writing, I first expressed my exasperation in the post,

But what about single men?

In Singled Out, I included separate chapters on single men and single women. Much of what I wrote in the other chapters is relevant to both single men and single women, as is much of what I write on my blogs.

I. Some of my posts have been specifically (though not always exclusively) about single men. Here are a few examples:

How living alone will transform men

The happy bachelor

Four single men: All hetero, approaching 40, living together for 18 years

Let’s hear it for the guys

Men, women, single, married: Who really exercises more?

Single forever: Stories and insights from gay men

Sashaying solo into the White House state dinner

I never knew his name

Single Men Have Good Hearts

II. Too often, when I am writing about single men, it is because some inaccurate claim has made its way into the media and I want to correct the record. For example:

Why men stay single: What no one is telling you

Actual newspaper headline: ‘Married men better men’

Naughty or nice? Single men and married men

NY Times asks about naughty and nice single and married men

Want to critique this claim published in the Atlantic magazine?

Does marriage civilize men?

Do married men really get promoted fastest?

Do men become more generous after marrying?

Those Pitied, Mocked, Envied Years Between the Late Teens and Late Twenties: What Are They Really About? [see the section on Guyland]

Don’t just marry — marry YOUNG!

Get married or get pummeled!

The leap from a little bit married to the whole thing: Do men and women differ?

The escalating war against single men: What’s it about?

III. I have hosted some guest posts authored or co-authored by single men. Here are a few of them:

Meet the man who wrote the book on happy bachelors

Single men and single women are disparaged in different ways. Some sexism is also singlism. Guest post by Craig Wynne and Joan DelFattore

The challenging and fulfilling life of a single man in India: Guest post by Bhaumik Shah

Let’s value men’s friendships as much as their romantic relationships: Guest post by Kim Evensen

Embracing single life: Guest post by Elliott Lewis

Single in the Navy, Part 1: Guest post by Roger Morris

Single in the Navy, Part 2: Guest post by Roger Morris

IV. I like to mock the silly or cruel singlist things that people say about single men. I am always amused when the media is shocked to find that their stereotypes about single men are untrue.

Serial killer is married and Nightline is shocked!

Single man with cats is in the news: Cue the innuendo!

“So Why Have You Never Been Married?”: A Case Study in Accidental Singlism

Break my heart, former Team 6 Seal

Married man’s burden: Charles Murray’s prescription for a better America

I will continue to try to keep single men in the conversation about single life. As always, if you see something relevant that I should be critiquing or discussing, let me know. I always appreciate your tips.

Maybe also of interest:

Married men paid more than single men, get more interviews

