Recently, there has been an increase in the number of single people sending me essays about single life. I welcome that. I love hearing from other singles, and I like sharing different points of view with all of you – even if (especially if?) those perspectives are not entirely the same as my own. I expect these guests posts to become a semi-regular feature here at “All Things Single (and More).” I’m going to call the series “Perspectives on Single Life.” Starting with the next guest post (which will probably appear tomorrow), you will see “Perspectives on Single Life” as one of the categories in the right-hand column of this blog page. Eventually, I will try to add that tag to previous guest posts as well, so you can see all of the others at a glance.
I see these guest posts in the same spirit as the new site that aggregates feeds from enlightened singles blogs, Single with Attitude. Both the new site and the guest posts expand our reach and multiply the influence of mostly positive perspectives on single life. That is not to say that I’m declining stories that include accounts of the challenges of living single. It is just that I don’t do posts that are entirely “woe is me, I’m single” in attitude. I also declined a request someone who wanted to do a guest post to promote a dating site.
As you may already know, I’ve been trying out blogging at PsychCentral. My blog there is called Single at Heart. Take a look if you are interested. Drop by Single with Attitude, too. Because it collects feeds, the content is updated as often as the various blog posts are.
At Single with Attitude, on the right hand side, there is a place where you can “sign up for announcements.” I hope that will become the primary list I’ll use to announce upcoming travel and other such events. I’m headed to the Netherlands later this month and may do an East Coast trip early next year. It would be great to meet more of you in person.
This “All Things Single” blog is entirely my own, so I can be especially responsive to your wishes. (There is no other editorial control.) If there are topics you would like to hear more (or less) about, or if any of you would like to contribute a guest post, just let me know.