Today is a big day (at least by my standards). In the cover story of the Atlantic magazine, just posted online today, I am described as “America’s foremost thinker and writer on the single experience.” My Singled Out book is included, as is a discussion of the concept of singlism.

Today is also the official launch date of the new singles site highlighting all of the singles bloggers who write from an enlightened perspective. It is called Single with Attitude. I know it wasn’t everyone’s first choice (though it did come out on top), so I added a note to the section, ABOUT THIS SITE, acknowledging that not all of us think of ourselves as having attitude.

At the center of the site are feeds from all of our enlightened singles bloggers. The most recent posts appear on top. You can find the complete list of blogs from which the posts are drawn in the section, ABOUT OUR BLOGS. If you are one of the bloggers, try posting something new on your site and then watch the first sentence or so appear on Single with Attitude!

You will also find sections on resources and books. There’s a place to sign up for announcements, and more. Previously, readers offered lots of suggestions as to what they would like to see on this site. I can’t do it all or pay for it all, but I hope that the site will develop in the ways suggested as more people pitch in.

Some Quick and Easy Ways to Help

What you can do:

  1. If you have a mailing list or a blog, please announce this new site to your readers.
  2. Please add links back to the site,, in the text of blog posts, in a blogroll if you have one, or any other way.
  3. Sign up for announcements if you want to. I promise you will not get inundated with emails. I’ll only contact you when I have something to say – for example, an announcement of an upcoming talk or workshop, a request from a reporter to talk to single people or experts on single life, etc.
  4. If you can afford to contribute financially, even if just a little, click on the Donate button.
  5. Click the Facebook button and Like us.
  6. I am going to send individual emails to everyone whose blog is included in the feeds and everyone whose book is on the site. If you already know that your blog/book is included, please send me a quick email so I can cross your name off my list and save a bit of time.

What Is and Is Not Still Missing

When I went through all of the comments that were contributed to previous blog posts about this site, I noticed that I had missed a few when I posted this update. My apologies to the authors of those suggestions. But I got them in time. So, in response to the suggestion that the site include statistics about single people, note the item under Resources, “Census Bureau Statistics on Singles.”

I never did find any men who write blogs in the spirit of the new site. If you discover any such person (or any other women, for that matter), please let me know, BellaDepaulo [at] Also, if you find an individual post that is relevant to our enlightened-singles themes, please send me the link and I’ll be sure it gets onto the new site.

I also agree with those who would like to see international perspectives. If you know of any singles information or advocacy groups in other nations, or relevant blogs, please let me know.

Thanks to Rhona for her help with the site, to the person who wants no thanks for suggesting all those terrific travel sites, and to everyone who posted or emailed comments and suggestions.