Over at Living Single, I just posted my vision for creating an all-in-one aggregator website of links to blogs, websites, and resources for people who want to live their single lives and not just look to become unsingle. It is called, Singles, let’s multiply our influence and expand our reach. Take a look at it now if you haven’t already. There are some questions I asked there (about the name of the site, etc.); you can post your suggestions in the comments section there or here, or email them to me at BellaDepaulo [at] gmail.com.
Over here at this more personal site, I want to tell you more of the specifics and ask for your suggestions and your help.
What I am willing and eager to put into this project is a whole lot of time and effort. I’ll do what it takes to figure out the initial content and organization, and continue to attend to the site over time. If you share my passion for this project and would like to collaborate with me in making it happen, do let me know.
There are certain aspects of this undertaking that are not my strong suits. I have no expertise in web design or in finding advertisements and only limited financial resources.
If you are great at web design and willing to set up this aggregator site, of course that would be terrific. Without a volunteer, I will look to find a web design person or company to hire. (I love the work of the person who created this website, but the business went under.) If you have any recommendations, I’d love to hear them.
On top of the possible need to pay a web designer, there will also be the smaller annual expenses of the website hosting and the domain name. There’s a donate button on this site for anyone who has the financial resources to spare, even if it is just a little. (If I had a steady income from a regular job, I wouldn’t mention this.)
About finding advertisers: Is there anyone who is willing to work on this? Maybe this is something that we should put off until we have a good number of regular visitors to the site. If you have any insights or advice about this, please do share them.
Once we do get to the point of looking for advertisers, I’d be happy to work out some revenue-sharing with anyone who succeeds in landing such advertisers.
If there is anyone who is good at marketing and promotion and willing to get the word out once the site is up and running, that would be most welcome, too.
Finally, a matter that is not solely relevant to this new website. For year, I had been an Amazon Associate. That involved changing links to Amazon products (such as books) so that they included my Amazon Associate ID number. For example, the link to my Singlism book with the Amazon Associate ID looks like this:
Whenever someone clicks a link with my Amazon Associate ID and buys that product or any other Amazon product, I get a small amount of money (usually around 4%). I have been doing this for years, and though the amount of revenue it brings in is small, it is passive income. Once the links are set up, there is no more work involved. As you may have read, Amazon has now shut down all of the Amazon Associate accounts of everyone in California (and in a few other states) because of a dispute with the state over sales taxes. If you are from a state that still allows Amazon Associates, and would like to work out a way to create links with your Amazon Associate ID on this new site and elsewhere, let me know (by email) and we can see if we can figure something out.
Thanks, everyone. I think this new undertaking has real potential to benefit all of us who are single at heart or just interested in living our single lives fully and unapologetically.