“All Things Single” readers, I’m blogging to you first. My new book, Singlism: What It Is, Why It Matterse, and How to Stop It – written together with 28 other contributors – is now available. You can get it here at Amazon, though as I write this, Amazon has not yet added the description of the book. (They build book pages one or two sections at a time.) You can also get the paperback here, at the book’s own page, where the description does show up.
Here’s a preview:
Singlism: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Stop It
DoubleDoor Books
May 2011
The widespread stereotyping and discrimination against people who are single has long gone unrecognized, unnamed, and unchallenged. Bella Depaulo calls it SINGLISM. In “Singlism: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Stop It,” she – together with 28 contributors – defines singlism and shows where it is lurking in the workplace, the marketplace, the media, in religion, in pseudoscience, in laws and policies, and in our everyday lives. The authors provide some insight into why singlism persists at a time when so many other isms are considered shameful.
Among the perspectives on singlism represented in the book are the personal, political, historical, religious, legal, clinical, economic, sociological, and psychological. There are media critiques, op-ed essays, and personal stories of standing up to singlism. Advocates and activists describe their successes and their challenges. Also included are sections on singlism’s cousin (the stereotyping and stigmatizing of adults with no children) and on valuing all of the important people in our lives (and not just conjugal partners and children).
“Singlism: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Stop It” is now available from Amazon and from its own webpage.
The contributors (in alphabetical order) are:
1. Lisa A., Ph.D.
2. Rev. Mark Almlie
3. Gina Barreca, Ph.D.
4. Steven Bereznai
5. Wendy Braitman
6. Rachel Buddeberg
7. Christina Campbell
8. Thomas F. Coleman, J. D.
9. “Crimson”
10. Karen Foster
11. Page Gardner
12. Rajiv Garg
13. Jaclyn Geller, Ph.D.
14. Nicky Grist
15. Jeanine
16. Rachel F. Moran, J.D.
17. Wendy L. Morris, Ph.D.
18. Yasmin Nair
19. Monica Pignotti, Ph.D.
20. Psyngle
21. Rev. Ann Schranz
22. Singlutionary
23. Rachel Stone
24. E. Kay Trimberger, Ph.D.
25. John Ullman
26. Helen W.
27. Wendy Wasson, Ph.D.
28. Eleanore Wells
Enjoy! And thanks to all of the readers of this blog for your interest and inspiration.