Blog crawl news first. The featured writers today were Lisa and Christina from Onely. They wrote a great post hosted by Living Single called Fun with fallacies: The rhetoric of singles-bashing. It is in the form of a screenplay, and it will give you some great ideas for come-backs, as well as some insights and a few laughs.  Tomorrow (Thursday September 23), Michelle Cove is the guest writer at The Single Filez.

Second, a myth-busting chapter I wrote, called “Living single: Lightening up those dark, dopey myths,” was just published in the book, The dark side of close relationships II, edited by William Cupach and Brian Spitzberg. It’s an academic book so it’s a bit pricey, but if you are affiliated with a university, maybe you can ask your library to order it.

If you have misgivings about a chapter on singles – written by ME — appearing in a book about the “dark side,” well, so did I. Here are my first two paragraphs:

“When I was invited to write this chapter on living single for this new Dark Side volume, I was both honored and offended. Honored, because the Dark Side series is terrific. What self-respecting relationships scholar does not have a few volumes adorning a bookshelf? Offended, because how dare anyone suggest that the topic of living single belongs with other writings on ominous relationship topics such as rejection, narcissism, in-laws, aggression, and interpersonal violence?

“I went back and forth with the editors, and they assured me that they did not mean to disparage singles. When they also quickly agreed to allow me to craft my own snarky subtitle, ‘Lightening up those dark, dopey myths,’ I agreed, too (p. 409).”

Finally, I have a special offer to tell you about, and it is not limited to Singles Week. It is available for the foreseeable future and you can take advantage of it any number of times.  It is simple: Buy a copy of Single with Attitude from either of two places, and I’ll send you or anyone else in the continental U.S. either a hardcover of Singled Out or a printed copy of a special double-issue of scholarly writings on singles in the journal Psychological Inquiry. (You can see the complete Table of Contents at the end of this post.) Here are the specifics, in these easy steps:

1.      Buy a copy of Single with Attitude either from this website or by following this link to Amazon.

2.      Let me know that you bought the copy, then tell me:

a.      Whether you want the hardcover copy of Singled Out or a copy of the special singles issue of Psychological Inquiry; and

b.      The address to which the book or journal issue should be sent.

I’ll cover shipping within the continental U.S., as long as you are OK with book rate speed. If you would like me to send either one outside of the continental U.S., then I’m happy to pay the first $3 of shipping.

So it is basically a 2-for-1 offer. Buy Single with Attitude, and get Singled Out or the issue of the journal sent to you or anyone else.

My email address and other contact information are on the contact page of this website.

Hope you are enjoying Singles Week. I’ve been so happy with the quality of the posts.