I’ve been writing the Living Single blog at Psychology Today since March of 2008. Entries that were posted earlier tend to have more page views. With that in mind, here are the Top 20 posts about single life from that blog. (I wrote some posts on other topics that would have made this list but I’m not including them here.)

  1. Is it bad to notice discrimination?
  2. Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
  3. Asexuals: Who are they and why are they important?
  4. USA Today’s big new story on marriage peddles same old fallacies
  5. The American psyche: Tipping toward solitude?
  6. Children of single mothers: How do they really fare?
  7. It’s National Singles Week: Here are 14 reasons why we need it
  8. Susan Boyle: The new face – and voice! – of the spinster cat lady
  9. ‘So why have you never been married?’ A case study in accidental singlism
  10. Wedding porn doesn’t turn us on: Age at first marriage has never been higher
  11. World’s most revolting Facebook status updates
  12. Are the early years of single life the hardest? Part II: Approaching age 30
  13. Vacationing while single
  14. Men and women who have always been single are doing fine
  15. How do you make friends when you are single?
  16. Dining alone, Part 2: Here’s what people really do think of you
  17. Two scholars ask: What if marriage is bad for us?
  18. Marriage penalty? I don’t think so (Also see this related post)
  19. Single women in India: A conversation with Kay Trimberger
  20. Singlism and matrimania in everyday life